The Leadership Jigsaw


The Leadership Jigsaw is an image that depicts what it requires to be a leader. Empowerment, vision, communication, example, relationships, and motivation are all aspects that make a great leader. A person cannot be a great leader if they are missing a piece of the jigsaw. Many leaders have part of the jigsaw, but they are still missing pieces. In this image the jigsaw is not complete. There are still jagged edges, which indicates there are still more pieces left. I believe that these six pieces are the foundation to great leadership. These foundation pieces have more jigsaw pieces that stem from them. The communication piece, for example, is made up of many pieces. Large group communication, small group communication, and personal communication are all extra pieces of leadership that can help complete the jigsaw puzzle. The motivation piece consists of personal motivation and the ability to motivate the group. A leader with great personal motivation is not as effective if they cannot motivate their group. The foundation pieces and the extra pieces are what separate a great leader from an excellent leader. I think everyone’s personal leadership jigsaw appears different if it was visually depicted. Some leaders have a bigger vision than others. These leaders would have a bigger vision puzzle piece. Everyone has strength and weaknesses in their leadership puzzle. If a leader is aware of their leadership jigsaw they can effectively see the areas they can improve. As a person continues to grow as a leader there puzzle will change.

About Mack1

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